Process gas analysis for bio and hydrogen gas mixtures using new high pressure in Situ sensors
The goal of the project is the development and combination of sensors for measuring optical, thermo physical and electro magnetic properties, to achieve an in Situ high pressure concentration measuring in bio and hydrogen gas mixtures.
To reach this main goal the development of new high pressure in Situ sensors and of a high pressure Gas Mixture Generating and Sensor Calibration apparatus (GMG-SC) is required during the project. This instrumentation will allow the first time to analyze multi-component gas mixtures in Situ under process conditions up to 200 °C and 20 MPa may be even 50 MPa.
The new sensortailored for bio and hydrogen gas mixtures
It avoids the devices for sampling, pressure reduction and control which have to be used up to now. Thereby no blocking of valves and tubings by condensation, freezing or precipitation will occur any more. More over it avoids sophisticated, time and cost consuming analyzers requiring intermediately high calibration efforts. The new sensor modules will be robust and reliable and range between very economic versions to high end solutions. They will be specially tailored for bio and hydrogen gas mixtures but being also applicable to all other kind of fluid mixtures including super critical fluids if a pressure range up to 50 MPa is reached.
Gasera from Finland together with Ruhr-University-Bochum from Germany develops a sensitive and low volume photoacoustic gas cell for in Situ FTIR gas analysis under process conditions (up to 200 °C and 20 MPa may be even 50 MPa).

This project is supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.