What is it about?
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) is a commonly used material in various applications, for example in the Chemical-, Mineral Oil and Fuel-, Metal-, Mining-, Electrotechnical- and Glass Industry. It can exist as a colorless gas or as a fuming liquid, or it can be dissolved in water. When dissolved in water, it forms hydrofluoric acid and releases toxic and aggressive vapors, which are highly corrosive and capable of corroding even glass. Even in smallest concentrations HF is a significant health risk. Concentrations exceeding 2 ppm already cause irritation in the eye and in the respiratory contract. HF can penetrate easily through the skin or lung into the body and cause serious damage to cells and organs. Skin contact with HF causes severe burns and can quickly form skin ulcers
Why and where to measure?
The primary interest for monitoring HF in ambient air is related to safety and risk assessment around potential sources that can release HF into the atmosphere. Those sources can be for example aluminum smelters or plants manufacturing refrigerants (where HF is used as one of the basic chemicals) or refineries in the oil and gas industry, among others.
Thresholds for exposure to HF – related to occupational health and safety – can be found in documents from various agencies and organizations (like ECHA, OSHA/NIOSH, ACGIH), typically the limits are in the range of 0.5 … 2.5 mg/m3. The need to continuously monitor HF concentrations is mainly related to risk assessment in and around potentially HF emitting plants/sources. In some cases, the monitoring need is driven from regional permit conditions or other local requirements. GASERA ONE HF is a helpful tool to get this monitoring job achieved in an easy and reliable way.
HF concentrations can be measured by taking direct air samples (integrated pump). GASERA ONE HF is based on photoacoustic spectroscopy using our unique patented Cantilever detector (Cantilever Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy).

Using a Tunable Diode Laser source that operates at a NIR fundamental spectral absorption line of hydrogen fluoride provides sensitive and selective measurement of low ambient concentration levels of HF, going along with a high level of stability and very low maintenance needs (Recommended recalibration interval is 12 months).
How to measure?
GASERA ONE HF is typically installed in an air-conditioned container/enclosure, close to the sample point. Measurement data in numerical or graphical view can be displayed directly on the analyzer. Measurement data can be easily transferred via several interfaces/protocols, like Ethernet, USB, serial over USB, current or voltage signal, ModBus, AK-protocol.

Careful selection of inside materials and small internal volume of 30 ml help to minimize adsorption effects and result in fast response time.
GASERA ONE HF at a glance
GASERA ONE HF offers reliable monitoring with a low detection limit < 0.5 ppb and a wide dynamic linear measurement range up to 10 ppm, combined with high selectivity for the measured component.
Longtime measurement at zero ambient background level (standard deviation of 0.24 ppb over 60 h) and fast response time are demonstrated in figures above.
- GASERA ONE HF is easy to operate, allows to set individual user levels, thus practically no risk of wrong operation
- Stable calibration, recommended recalibration interval is 12 months, low cost of ownership
- Drift free operation and fast response time