We want to thank our customers and partners for this year and wish you all a relaxing holiday season and a prosperous year 2024! Please note that our offices will be closed during 25.-26.12.2023 and 1.1.2024 and make sure to contact us in January in case Santa did not bring you a new gas analyzer for Christmas!

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Continuing the mission to protect people and the environment, Gasera launches a new product for measuring harmful hydrogen fluoride in the air we breathe

Today at the ARABLAB+ 2021 tradeshow, Gasera Ltd. has announced the release of GASERA ONE HF  for monitoring low levels of hydrogen fluoride in ambient air.

The new disruptive analyzer is based on the proven patented technology of the GASERA ONE platform and it offers an affordable and easy-to-use tool for continuously monitoring HF levels. The analyzer can achieve below 0.5 ppb detection limit for HF in ambient air background.

“Hydrogen fluoride is widely used in industry to make for example refrigerants, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, high-octane gasoline, aluminium in smelters and refineries, plastics, electrical components and fluorescent light bulbs. The global production capacity of HF is over three million metric tonnes.” says Gasera’s CEO Dr. Ismo Kauppinen.

HF can exist as a colorless gas or as a fuming liquid, or it can be dissolved in water. When dissolved in water, it forms hydrofluoric acid, which is highly corrosive and capable of corroding glass, leather and several metals. HF reacts with water and releases toxic and corrosive vapours.

“HF is highly dangerous gas forming corrosive and toxic hydrofluoric acid upon contact and is capable of causing severe reactions at very low concentrations. This is why the monitoring device needs to be sensitive enough to detect HF in sub-ppb trace level concentrations.” says Dr. Kauppinen.

To learn more about the the GASERA ONE HF gas analyzer visit the product page. Also read our related blog HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (HF) MONITORING WITH PHOTOACOUSTIC SPECTROSCOPY and the application description, which can be found here.

Welcome to meet Gasera at the ARABLAB+ 2021 in Dubai, booth #566 hall 2, November 15th to 17th.

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Gasera launches a new greenhouse gas analyzer

Our new portable product, GASERA ONE GHG greenhouse gas analyzer offers a selective, reliable and simultaneous and highly accurate analysis of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) greenhouse gas emissions with low-ppb detection limits.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions especially methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) play a significant role in the global warming and climate change. Methane (CH4) has 25 times and nitrous oxide (N2O) 296 times higher GHG effects than that of carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to the secondary atmospheric contamination. The global warming and climate change are continuing to be a threat to our planet.

Even though there there has been a small dip in the greenhouse gas emission due to the Covid-19, but smaller than many climate researchers expected given the scale of the pandemic, and is not expected to last once the virus is brought under control. There is a growing need to measure, analyze and monitor the greenhouse gas emissions in many areas from research to food production and agriculture, and from waste management to biogas production, among others. We believe that our GASERA ONE GHG greenhouse gas analyzer offers an excellent tool to these monitoring needs. We see excellent marketing opportunities for the product globally as it matches the need for ultimate performance monitoring of greenhouse gases.”, says Gasera’s CEO Dr. Ismo Kauppinen.

Now Gasera Ltd., a Finnish high-tech company, launches a disruptive analyzer, which is based on the proven technology of the GASERA ONE -platform. It offers an affordable and easy-to-use tool for continuously monitoring the background levels of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). GASERA ONE greenhouse gas concentration analyzer can achieve below 10 ppb detection limit for CH4 and 2 ppb detection limit for N2O.

“There are several significant advantages in the product: It has an intuitive, user-friendly interface, which is extremely easy to use with a single dial. Second, its patented photoacoustic detection scheme combined with a quantum cascade laser source, and third, it gives an exceptionally high level of stability with a re-calibration period of 12 months offering a low total cost of ownership,” says Dr. Kauppinen.

To learn more about the the GASERA ONE GHG greenhouse gas analyzer visit the product page. Also read our related blog GASERA ONE GAS ANALYZERS HELP REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS


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Formaldehyde (chemical formula HCHO or CH2O) is used in hospital setting in all diagnostic procedures in anatomic pathology. The potential carcinogenicity of formaldehyde (HCHO) has prompted increasing preventive measures in anatomic pathology laboratories and new strategies aimed at innovating airborne formaldehyde monitoring systems. GASERA ONE in formaldehyde monitoring in hospital setting was conducted as a part of the study.

The last two decades have been crucial for the assessment of airborne formaldehyde (HCHO) exposure in healthcare environments due to changes in limits and reference values, definition of carcinogenicity, and new monitoring methods.

Dugheri et al. analyzed twenty years of experience in automatic, continuous airborne formaldehyde (HCHO) monitoring in the Pathology Laboratory and operating rooms. GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE was used as a real-time, continuous photoacoustic instrument to measure formaldehyde (HCHO).

The researchers found a significant decrease in formaldehyde (HCHO) exposure over a 20 year period. The formaldehyde exposure significantly dropped, which coincided with optimised histology workflow and implementation of safety practices. 

The researchers also found that “GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE, with a dynamic range 100,000 times above HCHO detection limit, is a valid alternative. Besides, it is highly selective against carbonyl compounds and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while its response time and detection limits are lower by one order of magnitude compared to Formaldemeter htV-M.”

This study demonstrates the applicability of the GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE as a continuous monitoring tool in occupational health and safety. Read more: 

GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE photoacoustic gas analyzer provides parts per trillion level (ppt) sensitivity to reliably and selectively measure ambient background levels of formaldehyde (HCHO). Read more about Gasera’s cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic technology.

Original article:

Stefano DugheriDaniela Massi,  Nicola Mucci, Ncola Berti, Giovanni Cappelli, and Giulio Arcangeli. Improvements in monitoring and safety practices lowered airborne formaldehyde concentrations at an Italian hospital . Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:178-189.  Available online

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GASERA ONE PULSE in healthcare work safety study to measure tracer gas, Sulphur Hexafluoride  (SF6). Healthcare workers treating patients infected with emerging and re-emerging viruses are aware of the risks they face, particularly aerosol transmission.

The aim of this study was to investigate and characterise the risk of potential aerosol transmission of infectious agents from patients to their HCWs in typical encounter scenarios in hospital isolation rooms to improve the work safety in healthcare.

A study conducted at the Turku University Hospital and University Hospital of Leicester investigated how the risks can be reduced by optimising ventilation methods as part of an engineering control approach to infection control and the study was based on laboratory experiments carried out in a full-scale isolation room model at TUAS Indoor Environment Laboratory.

In the study, tracer gas Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) measurements were carried out for several experimental cases to assess the effect of different parameters on the spreading of the patient’s exhaled airborne contaminants and the HCW’s exposure to them. In addition to the SF6 gas tracer, an organic live-attenuated vaccine virus tracer was used in this study for enhanced realism.

The SF6 tracer gas concentration was measured from the room exhausts and the inhalation of the HCW manikin. The sampling and measurements were carried out with the GASERA ONE PULSE multigas analyzer. This study demonstrates the applicability of the GASERA ONE PULSE in healthcare work safety research.

GASERA ONE PULSE is a versatile and easy to use multi-gas monitoring solution. It offers accurate ppb detection for a range of uses such as detecting Suphur Hexafluoride (SF6), anesthetic gas monitoring, occupational health and safety, among others.

P Kalliomäki, H Koskela, M Waris & JW Tang. Assessing the risk to healthcare workers of hospital-acquired infection from patients infected with aerosol-transmissible pathogens. IOSH Research Report (2020). Available online

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Formaldehyde (HCHO or CH2O), as one type of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and its derivatives have long-term effects on human body and even causes cancer.

Formaldehyde is a widely contained in furniture materials, paint, and adhesives that has become one of the most concerned indoor pollutants due to sustaining release.

In a recent study, Wenjun Wang et al. proposed a sustainable and green approach to synthesize an efficient N, Ca co-doped TiO2 photocatalyst (TIMP) by using the insoluble matrix proteins (IMPs) extracted from abalone shell. Link to original paper in comments.

In this study, the concentration of HCHO, CO, and CO2 were monitored online by GASERA ONE photoacoustic infrared multigas monitor. This is further evidence of the applicability of the GASERA ONE platform products in demanding formaldehyde (HCHO) gas analysis, monitoring and scientific research.

GASERA ONE is a photoacoustic multi-gas analyzer platform that serves a wide variety of research and industrial applications. GASERA ONE platform can be tailored to suit multiple applications by selecting optimal lasers and/or light sources.

See also the GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE, a photoacoustic gas analyzer provides parts per trillion level (ppt) sensitivity to reliably measure ambient background levels of formaldehyde (HCHO).

Wenjun Wang, Hongdi Yu, Kai Li, Fawei Lin, Cheng Huang, Beibei Yan, Zhanjun Cheng, Xiaoqing Li, Guanyi Chen, Li-an Hou. Insoluble matrix proteins from shell waste for synthesis of visible-light response photocatalyst to mineralize indoor gaseous formaldehyde. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 415, 2021, 125649, ISSN 0304-3894. Link to original article

Visit Gasera’s Research Library

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Envicontrol to supply Wageningen University and Research (WUR) five GASERA ONE multi gas analysis systems

“We have been selected by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) to deliver and service five Gasera One photoacoustic for multi gas analysis and five Multipoint Samplers (MPS) to be installed in livestock barn environment for the analysis of Methane (CH4), Ammonia (NH3), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2), gases which can contribute to the global warming.” says Paulo Favaro, Operation Manager Netherlands (Envicontrol)

The achievement of this success is the result of combined efforts from the colleagues at Envicontrol ( and our new commercial partner Gasera. Thank you all for your contribution to this success!

Wageningen University & Research BV consists of three related core areas, the food and food production, living environment and health, lifestyle and livelihood. The research will be conducted by the Wageningen Livestock Research institute.

Envicontrol is active in the Belgium, Netherlands and France market for more than 25 years, specialized in sales and service of high-tech measuring equipment for air, gases, dust and aerosols.

For more information in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, please contact Envicontrol, to find your local GASERA distributor visit our distributor page.

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A recent study demonstrates the applicability of GASERA ONE in formaldehyde monitoring in hospital setting

The potential carcinogenicity of formaldehyde (FA) has prompted increasing preventive measures in anatomic pathology laboratories and new strategies aimed at innovating airborne FA monitoring systems.

The last two decades have been crucial for the assessment of airborne formaldehyde (FA) exposure in healthcare environments due to changes in limits and reference values, definition of carcinogenicity, and new monitoring methods.

Dugheri et al. analyzed twenty years of experience in automatic, continuous airborne FA monitoring in the Pathology Laboratory and operating rooms. GASERA ONE was used as a real-time, continuous photoacoustic instrument to measure formaldehyde.

The researcher found a significant decrease in formaldehyde exposure over a 20 year period, FA exposure significantly dropped, which coincided with optimised histology workflow and implementation of safety practices.

The researchers also found that “Gasera One Formaldehyde, with a dynamic range 100,000 times above FA detection limit, is a valid alternative. Besides, it is highly selective against carbonyl compounds and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while its response time and detection limits are lower by one order of magnitude compared to Formaldemeter htV-M.”

This study demonstrates the applicability of the GASERA ONE FORMADHYDE as a continuous monitoring tool in occupational health and safety. Read more:

Original article:

Improvements in monitoring and safety practices lowered airborne formaldehyde concentrations at an Italian hospital
Stefano Dugheri, Daniela Massi, Nicola Mucci, Ncola Berti, Giovanni Cappelli, and Giulio Arcangeli
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:178-189


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