Formaldehyde (chemical formula HCHO or CH2O) is used in hospital setting in all diagnostic procedures in anatomic pathology. The potential carcinogenicity of formaldehyde (HCHO) has prompted increasing preventive measures in anatomic pathology laboratories and new strategies aimed at innovating airborne formaldehyde monitoring systems. GASERA ONE in formaldehyde monitoring in hospital setting was conducted as a part of the study.
The last two decades have been crucial for the assessment of airborne formaldehyde (HCHO) exposure in healthcare environments due to changes in limits and reference values, definition of carcinogenicity, and new monitoring methods.
Dugheri et al. analyzed twenty years of experience in automatic, continuous airborne formaldehyde (HCHO) monitoring in the Pathology Laboratory and operating rooms. GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE was used as a real-time, continuous photoacoustic instrument to measure formaldehyde (HCHO).
The researchers found a significant decrease in formaldehyde (HCHO) exposure over a 20 year period. The formaldehyde exposure significantly dropped, which coincided with optimised histology workflow and implementation of safety practices.
The researchers also found that “GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE, with a dynamic range 100,000 times above HCHO detection limit, is a valid alternative. Besides, it is highly selective against carbonyl compounds and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), while its response time and detection limits are lower by one order of magnitude compared to Formaldemeter htV-M.”
This study demonstrates the applicability of the GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE as a continuous monitoring tool in occupational health and safety. Read more:
GASERA ONE FORMALDEHYDE photoacoustic gas analyzer provides parts per trillion level (ppt) sensitivity to reliably and selectively measure ambient background levels of formaldehyde (HCHO). Read more about Gasera’s cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic technology.
Original article:
Stefano Dugheri, Daniela Massi, Nicola Mucci, Ncola Berti, Giovanni Cappelli, and Giulio Arcangeli. Improvements in monitoring and safety practices lowered airborne formaldehyde concentrations at an Italian hospital . Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2020;71:178-189. Available online
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